Monday, March 2, 2009

Weight loos 6 Tips

Simple diet plans are the key to weight loss success. Your goal is to to lose weight - and keep it off; you can do this by eating healthy and smart. It’s not necessary to deprive yourself of ice cream, candy or pizza for the rest of your life. You just have to eat in moderation and perhaps change the type. Plain and simple, for weight loss success you must take in fewer calories than you put out or burn during the day. This is a must to be successful in your weight loss plan. Following are some tips to include as you create a simple diet plan.

1. Grazing boosts your metabolism. Eating 4 to 6 small meals a day will help boost your metabolism. You have to keep the fire (your metabolism) stoked. Eat lighter as the day goes on. Eat like a king in the morning, a prince in the afternoon and a pauper at night. This gives your body a chance to burn the calories before you go to bed.

2. Eat whole-wheat products and low-glycemic carbohydrates such as vegetables. Stay away from refined processed carbohydrates such as white bread and sugar. White flour and refined sugar products burn too fast to do your body any good. These are wasted calories just like candy and sugar drinks. Try to eat some type of lean protein at each meal. Protein helps to satisfy hunger and it’s an essential nutrient.

3. Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. To satisfy your need to drink, you can get servings by drinking a vegetable drink like V8. V8 fusion is great! You get a vegetable and fruit serving all at one time.

4. Keep track of everything you eat and drink. Sometimes our simple diet plans can be derailed because we don’t realize how many times our hand goes to our mouths until we keep a log. Make sure you keep track of the tastes and spoonfuls you eat while cooking.

5. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. Non-carbonated, sugar free drinks can replace a couple servings of water. Remember your body needs some water so don’t just drink non carbonated drinks. You can get lightly flavored water if necessary. Green tea can be a refreshing replacement for water.

6. Exercise. A big part of simple diet plans is to get a good mixture of strength training and cardiovascular exercise at least every other day. Pick an activity that you will keep doing, even after reaching your weight loss goal, so you can keep the weight off and stay healthy!

Fruits, vegetables and lean protein foods boost your metabolism and promote weight loss. Eat the right foods, increase your activity level and boost your metabolism naturally. With this simple diet plan you will achieve weight loss success.

What if the weight is not reduced?

During the dietary regimen a person undergoes a number of experiences. Many people complain that their weight does not get reduced in spite of their efforts. Others say that their weight-reduction stops beyond a certain limit. The rate of weight hardly ever uniform. It varies from time to time. In the beginning, the amount of water and fluids in the body may go down quickly and there fore it appears that the weight is reducing fast but after three to four days the rate of weight-reduction decreases. This phase is known as stagnation phase. Some times this phase may last for as long as two to three weeks.

Fat persons display great enthusiasm, care and anxiety in the beginning but as the time passes, gradually their will-power starts weakening, the enthusiasm begins to wane and dieting relaxed leading to slower rate of weight-loss. In some cases some psychological problem impairs the process of weight-loss. In such cases there is no weight-loss unless that problem is solved with understanding.

If the rate of weight-loss is too slow, follow these steps.

* Enforce the dietary-regimen strictly. The uneasiness caused by dieting is short lived and in few days the body gets used to the low intake of food. If the dietary-regimen is interrupted frequently it takes long time for the body to get used to it or the body can't adjust to the low intake of food.
* For three to four days make a list of food items you consume and count the calorie intake per day by adding calorific value of each food item. Experiments have shown that most of the fat persons derived inspiration from such a procedure of counting the calories to control calorie intake.
* If you are suffering from some psychological problem, try to find a rational solution for the same. In some cases even an analysis of such a problem leads to weight-loss. Psycho-therapy or hypnosis can also help in serious cases. Hypnosis can help a person in getting rid of his false hunger.
* In spite of all these efforts if there is no weight reduction follow these tips. Take half a glass of warm water with few drops of lemon added to it, two or three times during the day.
* If you continue to make efforts with patience and perseverance, there is no doubt about the fact that you will be able to reduce your weight.

Yoga Practice

Yoga is a constant state of awareness. Only when we incorporate it in daily life will we feel the sense of freedom that comes from discipline. This may sound like an oxymoron: discipline and freedom. But yoga marries these two, when it becomes easy to slip in yoga practice as part of daily routine. Though yoga is best done at a specific time, with a calm state of mind, you can still incorporate a meditative attitude in everything you do, thus making your life a yogic flow of awareness. While sitting before the television you can sit cross-legged, even on chairs as you can while working at computers at home. Similarly one can try simple asanas that are quite effective in the long run to keep yourself fit.

Again, while avoiding lift to walk up stairs, you can practice to inhale for four steps upwards and hold the breath for four steps and exhale for four steps. This process is known as pranayam. If you commute by a vehicle (which you are not driving yourself, of course), you may practice eye exercises, keeping your eyes open or shut. You can practice gentle energy-releasing poses, called the pawan muktasana series, wherever you are sitting, standing when at work or at home.

These are easy to practice though their impact is truly phenomenal since they drain out the lymphatic system, detoxify gently, and stretch muscles as well as the surrounding tissue.

Ideal Weight Loos

When we feel healthy, energetic and attractive with our body then we are at 'Ideal Weight' otherwise not. Once we learn to live in accord with our biological needs, instead of fighting against them, proper weight is literally achieved by itself.

Reducing extra fat is essential not only for improving your figure and appearance, but also for good health. We need to recognize our individual body type and use the enormous healing power of nature- present in every living cell- to make eating the source of health, vigor and vitality it is meant to be. By restoring body's natural rhythms, we'll regain our perfect weight.

This lack of adequate physical activity later on manifests its results through the accumulation of layers of fats in the body. As the obesity keeps on increasing the physical activity of the child goes on decreasing. In terms of physical growth obese children are ahead of normal children by several years. Excessive food intake affects the physical growth and obesity is its natural consequence.

Who should reduce weight?

* When patient is suffering from some illness. Obesity itself is regarded as a 'diaease'.
* Those who suffer from low blood pressure should also carefully reduce their weight.
* Treatment of obesity should not be launced till a patient is cured or relieved to some extent from diseases like liver disorders, gout, cancer, high diabates
* People with heart problems or cardiovascular diseases should plan their diet and weight loss programs.
* Due to rich diet and unnecessary rest, pregnant woman are prone to obesity.
* It is necessary to ensure that children have regular and good eating habits so as to have healthy life. Childhood Obesity is a major problem these days due to instant, ready to eat foods, irregular eating habits etc..

About Weight Loos

There has been tremendous outstanding advancement in the modern medical field which has taken place during the last few decades, in arresting & finding cures for many incurable maladies, but obesity or fatness or over weight has so for successfully eluded the modern medicine. Whatever might be the achievements of modern medicine, it failed miserably in weight loss treatment. The present generation is in constant quest for a remedy for this disorder. Every other day, new solutions for slimming are coming up, in the form of pills & potions. Ultra modern drugs with tall claims of weight reducing effects are being manufactured by the dozens. Stay trim devices are being manufactured & advertised to the gullible. Health clubs advertise fitness & weight reducing programs to attract young & old from all corners. These all never help to reduce a single kilogram, but only false claims.

Quacks & exploiters do not lag behind in promising heaven for making a quick buck for themselves. In this, we tempt to give you an effective way of weight losing through unani system the centuries old, time tested health science. Our unani herbal treatments for weight reducing & physical fitness was traditionally used for thousands of years by Rajas, Nawabs, Sultans & Kings of three continents. Unani was born at Greece, fathered by "Hippocretes" & spread to Africa & Asia. With a legacy of thousands of years tradition & continuous research, enriched "Unani herbalism" as an unique medical system. World health organization approved unani one of the best & advanced system of health care.

With eminent Hakeem Hashmi in our panel we intend to provide a complete weight loss treatment course, to benefit the mankind through out the world.